Y10 Enrichment Program 2017

To help prepare the Y10 students for the upcoming year in IGCSE, we have prepared an academic program following the final examination period.  During this program students will be embarking on workshops targeting key academic areas (ie. CPR Training, Academic Honesty, Presentation skills, Resume Building, Internship Preparation, Leadership Skills etc.).

Students will also be engaged in group projects based on the concept of 20% Time & Genius Hour, applying the topics of the skills workshops and preparing them for IBDP.   The students have been attending workshops already to help them formulate relevant, interesting and creative ideas for projects they will be spending 10 hours of their Enrichment Week time on.  Some of their ideas include learning how to make a new App for the iPhone, research and cook recipes of foods from various countries to compile a cookbook, choreograph a dance to make a music video, publish a set of poetry and to set up a fashion show for charity.  The students have some large ambitions and we hope we can support them well to see these ideas become reality.


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